
今年夏天, you will be asked to read the book(s) listed under the courses you will be taking next year. While reading, you should keep track of important information by annotating in the book(s). These annotations will help you with an in-class essay during your first week of classes.

如果你对英语书有任何问题,请发邮件 kmorris@shopcadeau.net. 如果你对历史书和作业有任何问题,请发邮件 jmaiocco@shopcadeau.net.

Ms. 凯瑟琳·莫里斯                                       先生. 约翰Maiocco
Rising sophomores in the Academy and Honors Programs taking 英语 10 or 英语 10H must choose 一个 阅读时应作注解. 请与您的父母/监护人一起查看这些选项,并使用以下网站 www.commonsensemedia.org 在你做出选择之前先评估一下这些书. All students will write an in-class essay during the first week of classes based on the book they read.


  • 成为——米歇尔·奥巴马

    在充满意义和成就的生活中, 米歇尔·奥巴马已经成为我们这个时代最具标志性、最引人注目的女性之一. As First Lady of the United States of America—the first African American to serve in that role—she helped create the most welcoming and inclusive White House in history, 同时,她也将自己树立为美国妇女和女孩的有力倡导者.S. 在世界各地, 极大地改变了家庭追求更健康、更积极生活的方式, and standing with her husband as he led America through some of its most harrowing moments. 一路走来, 她给我们表演了几个舞步, 拼车卡拉ok, 在无情的媒体聚光灯下抚养了两个脚踏实地的女儿.

    在她的回忆录中, 一部深刻反思和引人入胜的故事, 米歇尔·奥巴马邀请读者进入她的世界, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her—from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executive balancing the demands of motherhood and work, 敬她在世界上最著名的地址度过的时光. 以绝对的诚实和活泼的机智, 她描述了她的成功和失望, 公共和私人, 用她自己的语言,用她自己的方式,讲述她的全部经历. 温暖的, 明智的, 和启示, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has s茶dily defied expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.
  • Call Me American: The Extraordinary True Story of a Young Somali Immigrant -- Abdi Nor Iftin

    阿卜迪·诺伊夫廷第一次爱上了远方的美国. 作为一个孩子, he learned 英语 by listening to American pop and watching action films starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 当你.S. 海军陆战队员在摩加迪沙登陆,与军阀交战, 阿卜迪为这些美国人的到来欢呼, 谁看起来像电影里的英雄.

    穿着美国服装,跳着美国舞蹈, 他在摩加迪沙被称为阿卜迪美国人, 但当激进的伊斯兰组织青年党在2006年掌权时, 颂扬西方文化变得很危险. 不顾一切地谋生, 阿卜迪利用他的语言技能发送秘密电报, 找到了全世界的听众. 最终,阿卜迪被迫逃往肯尼亚.

    在一个惊人的运气,阿卜迪赢得了进入美国.S. 在年度签证抽签中脱颖而出,尽管他的美国之路并不容易. 他的部分故事最初是在BBC国际频道上听到的 美国生活. 现在是缅因州的骄傲居民, 在通往公民身份的道路上, 阿卜迪·诺·伊夫汀很有戏剧性, deeply stirring memoir is truly a story for our time: a vivid reminder of why America still beckons to those looking to make a better life.
  • 《体育博彩平台》——吴绮莉

    莉迪亚死了. 但他们还不知道.

    So begins this exquisite novel about a Chinese American family living in 1970s small-town Ohio. 莉迪亚是玛丽莲·李和詹姆斯·李最喜欢的孩子, and her parents are determined that she will fulfill the dreams they were unable to pursue. 但当莉迪亚的尸体在当地的湖中被发现时, the delicate balancing act that has been keeping the Lee family together is destroyed, 让他们陷入混乱.

    这是一个关于家庭、秘密和渴望的感人故事, 我从未告诉你的一切 既引人入胜又敏感的全家福, 揭示了母亲和女儿, 父亲和儿子, 丈夫和妻子都在挣扎, 他们的一生, 互相理解.
  • Neverw在这里——尼尔·盖曼

    在伦敦的街道下面, t在这里's a place most people could never even dream of: a city of monsters and saints, 杀人犯和天使, 穿着盔甲的骑士和穿着黑天鹅绒的苍白女孩. 这是一座由落魄者组成的城市.

    Richard Mayhew, a young businessman, is going to find out more than enough about this other London. A single act of kindness catapults him out of his workday existence and into a world that is at once eerily familiar and utterly bizarre. 一个奇怪的命运在这里等待着他,在他的家乡下面:无处可去.
  • 《外围博彩平台》——玛丽·希金斯·克拉克

    电视制片人劳里·莫兰和她的未婚夫, 亚历克斯·巴克利, 她的调查电视节目的前主持人, 离他们的仲夏婚礼只有几天了,事情就发生了黑暗的转折. 亚历克斯七岁的侄子约翰尼从海滩上消失了. A search party begins and witnesses recall Johnny playing in the water and collecting shells behind the beach shack, 但早上之后没人记得见过他. 当太阳落山, 约翰尼的滑板被冲上岸, 每个人都意识到他可能在任何地方, 即使在水下.
  • 透过玻璃天花板到星星-艾琳M. 柯林斯

    艾琳·柯林斯的整个职业生涯都是一名航空先驱, from her crowning achievements as the first woman to command an American space mission as well as the first to pilot the space shuttle to her early years as one of the Air Force’s first female pilots. She was in the first class of women to earn pilot’s wings at Vance Air Force Base and was their first female instructor pilot. She was only the second woman admitted to the Air Force’s elite Test Pilot Program at Edwards Air Force Base. NASA had such confidence in her skills as a leader and pilot that she was entrusted to command the first shuttle mission after the 哥伦比亚 灾难,使美国在中断两年之后重返太空飞行. 从空军和NASA退休后, she has served on numerous corporate boards and is an inspirational speaker about space exploration and leadership.

    艾琳·柯林斯是世界上最受认可和钦佩的女性之一, 然而,这是她第一次在书中讲述自己的故事. It is a story not only of achievement and overcoming obstacles but of profound personal transformation. 害羞, 安静的孩子,父亲酗酒,母亲苦苦挣扎, 谁在普通的环境中长大,是一个不起眼的学生, 她高中毕业时没有什么前途, 但她改变了自己的生活,去追求成为一名宇航员的秘密梦想. She shares her leadership and life lessons throughout the book with the aim of inspiring and passing on her legacy to a new generation.
  • 两个人可以保守秘密——凯伦·M. 麦克马纳斯

    回声岭是美国的一个小镇. 埃勒里从未去过那里, 但她听说过所有的事情:她的姑妈17岁时在那里失踪了. Then, only five years ago, a homecoming queen put the town on the map when she was killed. 现在,埃勒里不得不搬到那里和她几乎不认识的祖母住在一起.

    这个小镇风景如画,但却隐藏着秘密. 在埃勒里开学之前, 有人宣布返校节开放了, 承诺要让它和五年前一样危险. 然后,似乎是为了证明这一点,另一个女孩失踪了.

    埃勒里对秘密了如指掌. Her mother has them; her grandmother does too. And the longer she's in Echo Ridge, the clearer it becomes that everyone t在这里 is hiding something. 问题是, secrets are dangerous--and most people aren't good at keeping them -- which is why in Echo Ridge, 保守秘密是最安全的.
  • 我是Sam - Dustin Thao

    Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out—move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, 在城里上大学, 在日本度过一个夏天. 但是山姆死了. 一切都变了.

    心碎的, 朱莉没有参加他的葬礼, 扔掉他的东西, 尽一切努力忘记他和他悲惨的死亡方式. 但山姆在她的年鉴上留下的信息唤起了她的回忆. 非常想再听到他的声音, 朱莉打给山姆的手机只是为了听听他的语音信箱.


    事情发生了奇迹般的转变,朱莉得到了第二次告别的机会. 连接是暂时的. 但听到山姆的声音让她再次爱上了他, 每打一次电话,让他离开就变得越来越难. 然而, 要保守她和山姆超凡脱俗的通话秘密并不容易, 尤其是朱莉目睹了山姆一家所经历的痛苦. 不能站在一旁看着他们共同的亲人痛苦, Julie is torn between spilling the truth about her calls with Sam and risking their connection and losing him forever.
瑞肯计划的二年级新生必须阅读 两人守住一个秘密 Karen M. 麦克马纳斯,并填写 图形的组织者 在阅读. All students will write an in-class essay during the first week of classes based on the book they read.


  • 两个人可以保守秘密——凯伦·麦克马纳斯

    回声岭是美国的一个小镇. 埃勒里从未去过那里, 但她听说过所有的事情:她的姑妈17岁时在那里失踪了. Then, only five years ago, a homecoming queen put the town on the map when she was killed. 现在,埃勒里不得不搬到那里和她几乎不认识的祖母住在一起.

    这个小镇风景如画,但却隐藏着秘密. 在埃勒里开学之前, 有人宣布返校节开放了, 承诺要让它和五年前一样危险. 然后,似乎是为了证明这一点,另一个女孩失踪了.

    埃勒里对秘密了如指掌. Her mother has them; her grandmother does too. And the longer she's in Echo Ridge, the clearer it becomes that everyone t在这里 is hiding something. 问题是, secrets are dangerous--and most people aren't good at keeping them -- which is why in Echo Ridge, 保守秘密是最安全的.
Rising sophomores in the Academy Program taking Global Studies 10 must read the book below and must complete this 图形的组织者 帮助他们在第一周的课程中准备一篇课堂文章.


  • 1789: Twelve Authors Explore a Year of Rebellion, Revolution, and Change -- Edited by Marc Aronson & 苏珊·坎贝尔·巴托莱蒂

    《体育博彩平台》.这是什么意思? 1789年,这个问题波及了全世界. 是不是所有的人都有权利——不仅仅是贵族和国王? 那么被奴役的人、妇女、美洲的原始居民怎么办呢? 在新的美国, 通过了一项权利法案, 在法国期间, 这个国家跌跌撞撞地走向革命. In the Caribbean, preachers brought word of equality, while in the South Pacific, sailors mutinied. 新知识正在爆炸, with mathematicians and scientists rewriting the history of the planet and the digits of pi. 备受赞誉的选集编辑马克·阿伦森和苏珊·坎贝尔·巴托莱蒂, 还有十位获奖的非虚构类作家, explore a tumultuous year when rights and freedoms collided with enslavement and domination, 人类的未来似乎岌岌可危.

    有些事件和演员很熟悉:托马斯·杰斐逊和詹姆斯·麦迪逊, 玛丽·安托瓦内特, 还有拉法耶特侯爵. 其他人可能就没那么好了:雄辩的前奴隶奥劳达·埃奎阿诺, 塞内加回忆录作家玛丽·杰米森, 巴黎的鱼妇们, 数学家Jurij Vega, 还有画家Élisabeth vigsame Le Brun. 但每一章都为当时的争论带来了新的视角, inviting readers to experience the passions of the past and ask new questions of today.
参加全球10强荣誉课程的高二学生必须阅读 汤姆Standage的 《六只玻璃杯里的世界史 完成指定的作业 在这里. 也请注意这份文件上的电影作业. 


  • 《六个杯子里的世界史》——汤姆·斯坦迪奇

    Throughout human history, certain drinks have done much more than just quench thirst. 就像汤姆·斯坦迪奇与权威和魅力的关系一样, 其中有六个对历史进程有着惊人的广泛影响, 成为关键历史时期的标志性饮品.

    《六只玻璃杯里的世界史 tells the story of humanity from the Stone Age to the 21st century through the lens of beer, 酒, 精神, 咖啡, 茶, 和可乐. 啤酒最早是在新月沃地和公元前3000年酿造的.C.E. 对美索不达米亚和埃及如此重要,以至于被用来支付工资. 在古希腊,葡萄酒成为其庞大的海运贸易的主要出口产品, 帮助希腊文化向海外传播. 白兰地和朗姆酒等烈酒推动了大航海时代的发展, 为长途航行的海员提供装备,并为邪恶的奴隶贸易提供便利. 虽然咖啡起源于阿拉伯世界, 它在理性时代激发了欧洲的革命思想, 当咖啡馆成为知识交流的中心. 在中国人开始喝茶几百年后, 它在英国特别受欢迎, 对英国外交政策产生了深远影响. 最后, though carbonated drinks were invented in 18th-century Europe they became a 20th-century phenomenon, 尤其是可口可乐,它是全球化的主要象征.

    给汤姆·斯坦迪奇, 每一种饮料都是一种技术, a catalyst for advancing culture by which he demonstrates the intricate interplay of different civilizations. 你可能再也不会以同样的方式看待你最喜欢的饮料了.
选修AP世界历史的二年级学生必须完成以下内容 赋值.


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